Your credit scores, along with your overall income and debt, are a big factor in determining whether you’ll qualify for a loan and what your loan terms will be. You want to do what you can to improve and maintain your credit score before you apply for a loan. Each of...
Kathleen Seide
Articles by Kathleen Seide
When a tree falls in the woods – who pays to clean it up?
If a tree falls in the City of Gainesville there are a couple factors that come into play when figuring out who pays for it. If you or a neighbor has a dead or dangerous tree it is the property owner's responsibility to have it removed. Talk to your neighbor if you...
9 Questions to ask your REALTOR®
Please, do yourself a favor… find an agent you can trust and rely on them to be a professional. The MLS system in Florida is set up so that the seller is already paying the fees for any agent that brings them a buyer, so you might as well pick the person you want to...
Making sense of a "Truth–In–Lending" Statement
The Truth–In–Lending statement (TIL) is a tool that was developed for borrowers (that would be YOU) to determine if company A has a better loan offer than company B, C, or D. The philosophy behind this statement is strictly based on one box at the top left hand corner...
Keeping track of our Executives
If you are interested in how the government spends all our money, but not interested enough to go get the reports then I've found the perfect website for you! Florida's Chief Financial Officer maintains a website called The...
6/9/09 – Biggest Price Changes Last Week
There were 196 price changes recorded in the MLS system in the last 7 days, over twice as many as the previous week. I wonder if the higher interest rates are starting to slow things down a bit? Biggest Drops The 25 properties with the largest price reductions last...
Gainesville schools make Newsweek's "Top of the Class" List
Newsweek's report lists schools in the top 6 percent across the US. Several Alachua County schools made the list. Eastside High School ranked #5 in Florida and #20 across the US! Buchholz High School ranked #86 in the US. Gainesville High ranked #377 in the US. Here...
Fun restaruant: O!O Tapas & Tinis
We stopped here for lunch recently and were impressed with the quality of the food and presentation. The mood is relaxing and classy, and there is a cool round bar in the middle of the restaurant. It must be intended for serving the little appetizers and martinis...
Haile Plantation Homeowner's Association
Click here to read the Jan 2010 Haile Plantation Market Update. Haile Plantation is split into two major homeowner's associations, Haile Plantation Association and Haile Plantation West. Both Haile Plantation Associations maintain fabulous websites filled with...
New Credit Card Law
A new law was just passed that affects credit cards in a big way. If you use credit cards regularly it sounds like this law will affect your daily life... here is a great article from MSN Money to help you understand what is changing. Knowing how to use your credit...