352-373-0032 info@we-promise.com

There are signs that we are at or very near the bottom.  We’ve been seeing it in the field, but it is great to have some empirical data showing this too!

Light at the end of the Tunnel

Century Tower at Night by fuzzcat on Flickr

Century Tower at Night by fuzzcat on Flickr

Executive Summary & Conclusions:

“Most telling is the respondents’ perception of their own business outlook, which has been in free-fall since the start of the survey thirteen quarters ago. In the first quarter, they reported an improved outlook for their business. While one increase certainly doesn’t constitute a trend it gives an indication that our respondents believe that we may be at the bottom.”

(from the Survey of Emerging Market Conditions)

Detailed info from the report on Gainesville & Ocala real estate

The Bergstrom Center for Real Estate Studies is affiliated with the Warrington College of Business Administration at the University Of Florida here in Gainesville.  For thirteen quarters they have produced this report.