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This is an update of real estate activity in the subdivision Cobblefield which is located on the West side of Gainesville, FL.

Recent Sales

10 homes have sold in Cobblefield between May 1st and September 1st (11 sales since January 2009).  They ranged in price from $289,500 (for a 3/2 home at 2,022 square feet) to $550,000 (for a 4/3 home at 3,687 square feet).

The “average” home that sold was about 2,750 sqft and built in 2005 with 4 bedrooms and 3 baths.  It was on the market for 4 months and sold for $388,000 – about 93% of the original asking price.

Homes for Sale

homes for sale in Cobblefield

Click for details about homes for sale in Cobblefield

There are 10 homes for sale in Cobblefield right now.  They range from a 1,900 sqft home asking $275,000 to a 4,439 sqft home asking $699,000.

The average home has 4 bedrooms and 3 baths with 2,500 square feet of air conditioned space.  It is being offered for $388,000 and has been on the market for about 2.5 months.

Click here for details on each house available in Cobblefield right now.