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Good Deals In a Bad Economy

“So the best thing to do would be to buy fancy clothes and cameras to go drive to a vacation spot with my new car where I can eat lobster and scope for real estate. I can then purchase furniture, computers (with lots of memory) and big screen tv’s for the new house.”

Awesome Highlighter

I spend a lot of time surfing the web for news & information. When I find a website or story I’d like to share it can be hard to point out the important parts and give context at the same time. I and up pasting a link to a web page into an email, and then...

Even Beauty Queens need to speak

Having the most beautiful home on the block isn’t enough to sell your it. Having the best home for sale in your whole town may not be enough to sell it. Someone has to talk about it, write about it, and spread the word so that real buyers will know it is there and worth taking the time to look at.
Professor Paul Anglin recently published a study looking how words used to market a home affected things like time on the market and sale price.