There are 9 homes listed for sale as of this writing in Town of Tioga subdivision.
They range in age from 1999 to 2007. They range in heated and cooled square foot from 2044 to 4250. Their asking price ranges are $269,000 to $660,000.
The median asking $/sqft of homes for sale now is $148 – about $12/sqft more than the homes above sold for and $20 higher than the resale homes.
There are 3 homes under contract waiting to close. They range in age from 2003 to 2006. Their heated and cooled space ranges are 2030 to 3104. The asking prices ranged between $278,500 to $464,912. The actual sale prices won’t be revealed until these sales are finalized and are recorded at the courthouse.
Closed Sales in Tioga
There were 5 homes that sold this year. They ranged between 2005 and 2011 in age, and from 2442 to 4523 in heated and cooled space. They were asking between $305,000 to $735,697.
In Town of Tioga there is about a 6 month supply of inventory.
Homes that sold were priced very close to market value when they were listed (only 4% higher), most of them sold within 3 months of going on the market. They closed from a low of $119/sqft to a high of $174/sqft – if we exclude new homes the prices went as high as $153/sqft and the median was $128/sqft. This is what buyers are paying and is very relevant to the market value of existing homes – keep in mind that the higher cost homes were brand new construction and adjust for that.
The homes that were withdrawn/expired recently aren’t significantly out of line with the prices or sizes of the sold homes. What does stand out is that they have been on the market much longer – most of them over 6 months. There was obviously something about these homes that buyers didn’t like, so even though they are priced similarly to the comps there is a money issue with these homes – it seems like they are overpriced and/or they need work done to make them more attractive.
The lot size, location, and upgrades play a big part in the values in Tioga. There are a lot of differences on those grounds in there, and prices will reflect that.
We bought a former parade home in late 2009 in Tioga for $126/sf. Nice to know that is still looking like a good value today.
That is good news for you. Toga is holding strong!