The Courtyards
Our friend Ms. Johnson loved the community she lived in. She has a lot of furniture and personal items and when she moved from a larger home just a few years earlier she couldn’t bear to part with anything.
The Deadline
Ms. Johnson called us up in the beginning of 2009 asking for our help. A much larger townhouse had come up for sale in her neighborhood, but in order to buy it she would need to sell her’s first – and she needed to coordinate the closings so she wouldn’t be homeless!
The market for “attached” homes has been pretty soft in Gainesville, so we faced quite a challenge. The seller of the larger townhouse was willing to give us 3 months to make this work. That is less than half the time most similar properties are on the market!
The Courtyards
We set the gears in motion and started our marketing engine. We were able to to find a buyer for Ms. Johnson’s town home at a fair price and close both sales in the nick of time! So many people are having financing problems on attached properties – we actually found a buyer paying cash.
Ms. Johnson sold her townhouse and bought the one she was dreaming of around the corner – and at a great price. All the paperwork happened in one morning so life would be as easy as possible. She still has the beautiful furniture, but now there is plenty of space for everything else too!
We are so happy we could make it work out for Ms. Johnson, and we had a great time getting to know all the people who live in The Courtyards.