352-373-0032 info@we-promise.com

Town of Tioga Market Update

  There are 9 homes listed for sale as of this writing in Town of Tioga subdivision. They range in age from 1999 to 2007. They range in heated and cooled square foot from 2044 to 4250. Their asking price ranges are $269,000 to $660,000. The median asking $/sqft...

Luxury Home Market in Alachua County

Luxury Home Market in Alachua County   Anything priced over $500,000 is considered a luxury home in our area. There are 104 luxury homes listed in Alachua County MLS system as of this writing.   Homes For Sale Now There are 21 homes asking over $1,000,000....

Blues Creek Market Update

There are two distinctive areas in Blues Creek. The Garden Homes, and the main section with larger homes. In The Gardens There are 9 homes for sale now. They range in heated and cooled space between 1207 and 1792 square feet. Their ages are 1996 to 2005. The sellers...